Happy Father’s Day

5 min readJun 3, 2021
A dad and daughter enjoying their day

A “Dad” holds our hands a little while but our hearts forever! This quotation widely heard and used doesn’t do justice to the term father, dad or fatherhood. Fatherhood is like a vast sea and to describe it within a single sentence is an impossible task. That is the reason our dear dads are very special to us.

Thus Father’s Day founded by Smart Dodd started as a tradition in the West and was celebrated for the first time in 1910. It was then later imported and imbibed into other cultures and countries across the globe. Thus, here is a list of gifts for your dad, especially for you who are clueless and worried to select the best gift of all.

A- Assorted dry fruits

Do buy a pack of assorted dry fruits that will be a really healthy gift, and you can pamper your dad on his “big” day too.

B-Bouquet of flowers

Give your dad a big bunch of flowers for this Father’s Day to show him your appreciation and gratitude.


Everyone loves and has a sweet-tooth for all the dads. This is the best gift for all dads this lockdown.


Get a pet dog or cat to present a pleasant atmosphere this Father’s Day at home. Adopt a dog but don’t buy it for your dad and surprise him with a small bow collar.

E-Engraving on glass or wooden

Get a personalized message engraved on a piece of wood or glass so that the message is remembered forever and the gift will be long-lasting.


This lockdown may make your trials at gifts hard so do try to buy more healthy foods like fruits to promote a healthy living and you can share it with the whole family too.

G-Garden supplies

Help your dad to create a stunning small garden in the available area in your house so that you can enjoy a past-time and also breathe fresh air.

H-Hula Hoop

Order a Hula Hoop so that in this lockdown, your dad and you can exercise this Father’s Day and you can celebrate in a healthy way.

I-Instant Noodles

Though you are striving for a healthy lifestyle, pampering your dad and the whole family with some instant noodles can be refreshing and can be a day where you can spoil your dad and everyone around.


Journaling is a very important task and helping your dad to make sure to Journal events memorable to oneself so that he can look back one day with nostalgia.


Make a homemade classic Kaleidoscope or buy it online and just twist it and see the patterns and feel the time sway away and is one of the best gifts for Father’s Day.


Write a hand-written letter for your dear dad, expressing the love and describing all his favorite memories with you. This will leave a very lasting impact, so do it and give it to him.

M-Men’s Cuff Links

Cufflinks are a high fashion statement and gifting them to your dad will make him feel really proud of you. It is one of the best Father’s Day gifts. Go order right away.


Love and care can be shown in any way and by giving this Father’s Day, he will appreciate your care and concern and will happily accept in gratitude.

O-Old Spice Shaving cream

Gift your dad a worthwhile gift like a spice shaving cream which will be useful to him in the right way possible.


Pens are a classic gift from ages and gifting a good pen makes it so worthwhile and you can get a separate box engraved with his name on it for this Father’s Day.


Do give your dad this Father’s Day an awesome handmade quilt or the quilt from online that you can order just for your dad. And I know for sure he will love it!!

R- Recorder

A vintage recorder is every dad’s dream and though the availability is scarce, searching and buying one won’t cause any harm and will make your dad’s day.

S-Spa Box

Everyone needs a little self-love and gifting your dad a Spa Box will definitely light up the whole house with positive vibes, and your dad also will focus more on himself and love himself more.


Ties are never out of fashion and gifting a professional tie will prompt that you have grown up and are trying to help your dad in fashion, a wonderful father’s day gift.


Try gifting an instrument as it calms you down and gives you mental peace, for dads it is a must to get away from the office stress, playing it for him or asking him to learn it is a great idea.

V-vintage clocks

Vintage clocks are never out of style so one must duly think of this as a pretty cool and millenial gift as your dads will love it for this Father’s Day.


Dads are fans of Wallets and selecting the best one is a leather wallet that will be a best gift for your dad, so do check it out and surprise your dad this Father’s Day.


Do buy the original instrument to calm his stressed nerves down, and a xylophone though has become very popular among kids, it is a very great instrument to give off a serene vibe and is really meditative.

Y-Yoga Mat

Order online a vibrant yoga mat for your dear dad to promote a healthy lifestyle and live it dutifully and respecting our body as a temple. You can also do yoga together with your dad to bond.

Z-Zentangle coloring book

Zentangle is pretty upcoming and has become pretty popular, so do buy one for your dad to enjoy coloring and it’s pretty relaxing so do check it out !!

So, from all the above mentioned gifts try to select the best gift affordable and easily available for your loving dad. Happy Father’s Day once again!!




A beautiful Gifting Incorporate with flowing ideas and creativity